We have a little problem with fonts in PDF documents. In order to put the finger on the problem I'd like to inspect, which fonts are actually embedded in the pdf document and which are only referenced. Is there an easy (and cheap as in free) way to do that?
From the Document Properties dialog box, click on the “Fonts” tab, which is circled below. The Document Properties dialog box. On the fonts tab, the words “Embedded Subset” or “Embedded” must appear next to each font, as shown in the example below. The fonts tab on the Document Properties dialog box.
6 Answers
command line tool originally from Xpdf, now part of Poppler.
This tool is available in most Linux distributions as part of poppler-utils
Example usage and output:
Much simpler if you just want to find out the font names: run this from a terminal
I finally got an example file that actually seems to have fonts embedded.
How To Check Font Embedding In Pdf
Using the normal Adobe Reader (or Foxit if you prefer). Select File->Properties on the resulting Dialog choose the Font tab. You will see a list of fonts. The ones that are embedded will state this fact in ( ) behind the font name.
CAM::PDF has a font reporter, available as a command-line utility or via a library call. If you run 'listfont.pl file.pdf' you get output like this:
You can extract font(s) from PDF using Online Font Converter
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using the free iText (or iTextSharp if you're on .NET) you can write a utility that will extract for you this information using the BaseFont.GetDocumentFonts method.
How To Check Font In Pdf
Read this link for the code